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With out any mud slinging can anyone briefly explain what good and bad things have been done by any of the parties, also am I right in saying Jeff can not speak Spanish if so what good is he at his job or how can he do the job.

La Marina

2nd Casa,
Can I ask you a question.
Why has it taken over three years of Jeff being a Councillor For the Urbs. and Fiestas, for you to think if jeff could speak Spanish or not,? Surely you should of been asking that question of him before he got voted in, and don't forget before Jeff we had two other Brits on a Council, Did you ask about their Spanish speaking capabilities.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-15 18:23:08 UTC

I have known this all along, the same question is meant for all of them, as I think none of the parties seem to do what they say they will, be it Spain or the UK unless of course anyone can show or tell me any different.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-15 18:35:25 UTC

Well no one comes forward with any constructive comments, but a lot seem to have it in for the hogs head maybe it would be real good if the bikers bar is not a rumour or a wind up the sound of all those Harley's riding down the streets late at night.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-18 17:07:34 UTC

I can only concur with Alans comment 3 yrs to ask the question.
Yes he does speak fluent Spanish , though not legal and perocial as is sometimes required at council meetings( hence the need at times for an enterpraitor) on occasion.
Are you blind has the community centre ever been so well used , have you had a look at the sports centre down from the infamous Hogs Head , Have you noticed the new lights going up, Have you noticed the buses to other areas to engage in cultural exchange, Have you noticed the learn Spanish/ English Classes, Have you noticed the help for the poor and needy,Have you noticed the Suma office in their office every Monday And most importantly his office is open to anybody to walk in and ask a question either of him or Samantha. Please stop posting nonsense on this site and in view of ASL refusing hi or anybody in the party on hear PLEASE JUST GO TO THE OFFICE AND ASK . And as a point if you don't stay on the Urbanisation shut up .

Commented Weejohnten in La Marina 2014-10-18 20:26:47 UTC

Thanks for the comment oh and there is no need for me to shut up and no I am not blind, I could say something back but ............................

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-19 10:58:51 UTC

Being a councillor and representing the people with a voice in the council chambers can not be an easy task. Then there is the need to regularly inform and advise people of council matters using whatever means at their disposal. The person elected and trusted with this responsibility should have a proven record of working in the community and be integrated into the every day life of local people. He or she should be someone out there in the streets with the people on a daily basis, not someone that spends a few hours on weekdays sat in an office, and not someone that is only seen in public on so-called civic duties ( posturing).

Commented Martina in La Marina 2014-10-19 20:48:53 UTC

Im sorry but i disagree.... J.W.s spanish is far from fluent so he shoudn't be council as i think 1st requirement should be the language.... and about the things they have done they are only minimal, i personally think they should spend the money in more important things i.e. re-do the streets, the sidewalks...??

Commented Spainlover in Torrevieja 2014-10-20 15:58:29 UTC

Good to have a few others views on things better than all the usual

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-20 16:20:33 UTC

Having a back problem which makes it difficult for me to walk any distance, I decided to purchase a second-hand mobility scooter. A friend suggested that we went down the market on a saturday morning. Going down i used the road but coming back i decided to use the pavements. What a disaster. There is no access on the zebra crossing above Iceland and the slopes on the pavements are a joke every time I went up and down them I jolted my back. La marina is one of the worst places for people who are immobile. Fortunately i can drive but for people who depend on these mobility scooters it must be a nightmare. So councillors get your act together and make places more accessible for invalides.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2014-10-20 17:02:32 UTC

I 100% second you on your posting Caroline The access for our little machines that allow us to get around is a blasted disgrace. My only comment is that often seem to of tried but without any understanding of what the correct gradients should be!!!! Plus some are so bad that my cart refuses to go up them at all. So we have to drive down main roads slowing all traffic as they try to get past us.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2014-10-21 07:18:47 UTC

Bit off topic it appears the council has applied to hold a Halloween/Octoberfest fiesta on Plaza Sierra Castilla, outside Super Valu on Thursday 30th from 8 pm until midnight a fiesta run by the Town Hall for all the bars on the upper part of the Urbanisation.

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-21 08:25:38 UTC

Alicante has agreed to supply a grant of just under 300,000 Euros for the upgrade and improvements of roads and pavements within the Urbanisation. This money should become available at the beginning of next year.

Commented samhull05 in La Marina 2014-10-21 12:05:25 UTC

Thanks for that info. Samantha, although it may well vanish shortly if the ASL people think it may win a vote or two.
So within a few months people may find it easier to get around on the scooters,etc. Hope the Council will look at holes where trees were but are no more (shades of the 'Dead Parrot Sketch'. either filling in the holes or re planting.
Just think two complaints and within hours money pouring in, Ha Ha

Commented Alan in La Marina 2014-10-21 12:27:37 UTC

Thanks for the info Sam I just hope it comes to fruition most of the pavements in La Marina seem to have been put there for the sole purpose of putting lamp posts in the middle of them. On a lighter note, my friend was walking down the road the other day, on the left, going towards the Hogs Head, he passed a female who asked him if he was English, when he said yes she promptly informed him he was walking on the wrong side of the road. I did not know that Brits have to walk on different sides to the Spanish,Germans & French, I thought that only applied to the side of the road we drive our cars on. I am still trying to understand her point, perhaps someone can enlighten me, have I missed a New Law?

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2014-10-21 12:31:32 UTC

Good to hear there is going to have money spent on the roads etc, some have pot holes others craters that have been like this for a number of years

Commented 2nd Casa in La Marina 2014-10-22 16:24:09 UTC

Great news, slowly but surely things are making progress

Commented electioncampaign in La Marina 2014-10-22 20:41:31 UTC